4 ways to be proactive about fall prevention

By Jon Burkhow, Director of HOME Did you know that according to the National Council on Aging one-third of Americans aged 65+ falls each year? What can you do to help prevent a fall? With the annual fall prevention awareness day just around the corner on September 22nd, now is

The ‘Right’ Amount of Volunteering for Older Adults

Link to article in U.S. News & World Report By Lisa Esposito, U.S. News & World Report Staff Writer When Sara Skinner, 79, of Flagstaff, Arizona, offered herself up as a volunteer with the Senior Corps program for retirees two years ago, she described her qualifications in the present tense. “I am a

Senior Community Services is Awarded Certification for Effectively Leveraging Volunteers

ST. PAUL, Minn. – On June 23, 2016 Senior Community Services, which serves Minnesota older adults and their caregivers, began their journey of receiving Points of Light’s Service Enterprise Certification. After attending four Points of Light training sessions with a cohort of other Non-profit organizations, and spending a year working

Best Buy, Independa, Reemo and More Join Forces to Help Older Adults Remain Independent at 2nd Annual Reimagine Aging Conference

Minnetonka, Minn. – Few decisions tug on the heart strings — or the purse strings — more than finding care and comfort for an elderly loved one who has health problems or needs help with daily living. Yet, the way we can best help the older adults in our life

Lifelong Learning

By Sarah Mastchi, Communications Intern What is one thing that you wish you had tried or done when you were younger? Do you wish you had taken piano lessons, learned how to speak another language, or spent more time giving back to your community? Well, who says you can’t try

Why Ageism Is Not Like Other “Isms”

By Sarah Matschi, Communications Intern Ageism, prejudice against age, has started to become the new hot ‘ism’ that people are talking about. Common headlines include “We Need to Combat Ageism Just Like We Do Sexism” (Huffington Post) “Ageism in the workplace ‘just as bad as racism’” (The Times UK) “Ageism