3 Tech Tips for Healthy Seniors

by Sarah Allen at Nucleus Life Technology continues to provide numerous solutions for caregivers and health solutions for the seniors in their care. We took a look at 3 great ways to incorporate technology into senior caregiving. Maintain Social Connections with Video Chat and Social Media Studies have shown that

Dear Senior Community Services Volunteers: an open letter to our awesome volunteers

By: Don Waletzko, CFO Dear Senior Community Services Volunteers, April is National Volunteer Month, so the staff here at Senior Community Services thought it would be nice to let all of our wonderful volunteers know how much you mean to us and the impact you have every day with your

Five Benefits of Volunteering in Retirement

        Link to article in the Chaska Herald Guest Column by Deb Taylor Volunteering your time and energy helps strengthen your community, but it also has important emotional and physical benefits. This month we take a look at how retired adults can reimagine aging through volunteering. With

5 Reasons You Should Volunteer Right Now

              It doesn’t matter if you’re 9 or 89. Anyone can volunteer. Here are just five reasons we think you should volunteer right now: Create a stronger community Volunteering helps build safer, more connected communities by increasing the social network. Have a personal sense

Intergenerational Relationships, an Asset to All

Link to Article in The Daily Journal Guest Column by Deb Taylor Intergenerational relationships are relationships frequently shared between two family members of different generations, although friendships are common places we see these relationships as well. They can evolve in places of work, neighborhoods, or even from a random encounter. The

How To Sign-Up For AmazonSmile in 5 EasySteps

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Senior Community Services every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate