Commentary: Older adults blaze a trail

Link to article in Lakeshore Weekly News Richard was 85 when asked about his outlook on this period of his life. “At the end, I hope I’m going 500 miles an hour with my hair on fire,” he said, metaphorically speaking. Richard always lived vitally, involved in new activities with

10 Ways You Can Blaze a Trail at your Local Senior Center

By: Allison Bendickson, Communications & Fundraising Assistant May is Older Americans Month and this year’s theme is Blaze a Trail. Seniors all over the country are regularly blazing trails at their local senior centers. Here’s a list of 10 ways that you can blaze a trail at your local senior

The Gray Tsunami

Article in Bloomington Noon Rotary May 9, 2016 Newsletter Contributed by: Stephen Bariteau Today we welcomed Dawn Lund of Senior Community Services to our club. She talked with us about the ongoing and growing need for aging services in Minnesota and across the country. This need is due to the

Channel 12 Interview: Caregiver Shortage

CEO, Deb Taylor discuss the caregiver shortage with Channel 12’s Mike Johnson. Taylor’s Interview begins at minute 7:45.

Recognizing Volunteers

By Don Waletzko; Senior Community Services, CFO The Mission of Senior Community Services is to develop, coordinate and provide services that help meet the needs of older adults and support their caregivers.  Our Vision is to mobilize the community to Reimagine Aging. For many years, Senior Community Services has been receiving significant

Volunteering feeds the spirit

Link to article in Guest Column by Deb Taylor Senior Community Services serves tens of thousands of Minnesota seniors and their caregivers annually, and much of the caring outreach is done thanks to the dedication of 3,700 volunteers. Yes, nearly 4,000 compassionate souls who step forward when there’s a