Think Spring Housecleaning

Spring is here and the Household & Outside Maintenance for Elderly (HOME) program has been receiving requests from seniors to help complete Spring chores around the home. Many seniors have requested help with housecleaning and laundry. The work can be physically taxing for many especially when it comes to maneuvering those

Helping Seniors Stay in their Homes

Northwest Community Television’s “Community Corner” segment.  Interview with Jeanne Rasmussen, Senior Community Services Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator.  

Retiring? Then what?

Link to article in  Guest Column by Deb Taylor Looking forward to retirement? Are you daydreaming about saying sayanara to the daily grind, the chaotic commutes? Most of us spend 40 years in the workplace developing skills, supporting our families, and helping others. And then, it ends. Freedom – but a

Home Safety Checklist

Spring is here! People of all ages are getting out and enjoying the nice weather. But did you know that older adults have a higher risk of falling in the spring time, more than any other season? In the winter months many seniors stay home, drive less, and are less

Minnesota Connect Aphasia Now (MnCAN) helps aphasia sufferers to decrease isolation and increase participation.

MnCAN is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing weekly community-based conversation groups and support for people with aphasia. Our groups focus on use of supported conversation strategies and life participation approaches. The mission of Minnesota Connect Aphasia Now (MnCAN) is to improve the quality of life for individuals living with aphasia

Ageism, the persistent ‘ism’

Link to article in The AfricaPaper  Guest column by Deb Taylor We frequently hear about racism and sexism in our culture, but we hear little about another persistent ‘ism’ – ageism. As our society grows older, due to the large number of retiring baby boomers, ageism remains a growing challenge