Identifying COVID Vaccination Scams

One of the secondary threats over the last year has undoubtedly been the spread of misinformation regarding COVID-19. The onset of the pandemic saw us receiving conflicting information from a range of sources of varying legitimacy, causing confusion among citizens . And with the vaccination beginning to be distributed in

Avoiding Emotional Burnout This Winter

By CEO Deb Taylor Even after the pandemic began in March, no one could have predicted then just how much our lives would be affected and uprooted by the events of this year in ways unique to each of us. And though there is hopeful news of a vaccine, this

For Seniors, COVID is the Mother of Innovation

Unprecedented levels of loneliness and isolation have swept our communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially affecting seniors, the most vulnerable to this persistent virus. The threat of this virus has kept older adults quarantined and distanced from their loved ones. “I haven’t hugged my kids and grandkids in months,” one

Pandemic Lessons from the Most Vulnerable

We have endured (and grown to loathe) the mandated social distancing required to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. But during these scary times, we have embraced a digital togetherness, connecting with loved ones and clients across platforms from Facebook to Zoom.   By necessity, nonprofits such as ours quickly

How We Can All Support LGBTQ Seniors

As we age, all of us will face challenges. Finding affordable, high quality home services, accessing health care, and staying connected to our communities are just a few hurdles older adults face when striving to live fulfilling, enriched lives. These challenges, however, grow significantly when one is part of the