Soothing Senior Grief

Link to article in Lakeshore Weekly News Guest Column by Deb Taylor Life brings different rhythms — different timetables — for each of us. We lose dear loved ones, we grieve, we face changes — diminished mobility, an end to driving the car, maybe a different place to live after

May is Older Americans Month, Reimagine Aging

Link to article in Guest Column by Deb Taylor In the closing months of his Presidency, John F. Kennedy designated May as Senior Citizens Month, later to be renamed Older Americans Month. In 1963, only 17 million Americans were 65 or older. Today, more than 45 million seniors live

12 High-Impact Nonprofits

MNSights Magazine Spring 2015 MNSights Magazine lists Senior Community Services as one of twelve nonprofits that were most frequently cited by experts in the Philanthropedia survey as having high-impact in aging. Link to article in the MNSights Magazine

A Half Century of Progress for Older Adults

Link to article in The AfricaPaper   Guest Column by Deb Taylor We’ve come a long way on our journey to enhance support and care for the older adults in our communities. When President Lyndon Johnson signed the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1965, the legislation represented an historic step towards improving